Monday, October 31, 2016

Hiking the Yellowrock Trail

Recently we took my daughter on her first "official" hike which included a stop to buy new hiking boots. I think we all had a great time and hope to do it again soon!

It was a beautiful day out on the trail! There is nothing like the peace found in nature.
The light filtered through the trees was irresistible!
Taking an opportunity to practice some zen moves.
You can see for miles and miles and miles! Isn't that sky amazing??
The colors were just starting to make an appearance and they were gorgeous!
Pondering the future perhaps? Or maybe just the next hike!

It was a beautiful day spent in nature and I'm already looking forward to the next trip! 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Bellingrath Gardens

I recently had the opportunity to visit Bellingrath Gardens in Mobile, Alabama. What a beautiful place! The spring flowers were blooming and the gardens were simply gorgeous! The gardens and a beautiful historic home are the legacy of Walter and Bessie Bellingrath. The land formerly housed an abandoned fishing camp on the Fowl River.  The gardens began to develop in 1927 and in 1932 the Bellingrath's placed an ad inviting citizens of Mobile out to see the spring flowers. Over 4,700 people came and Bellingrath Gardens was born!

 The rose garden was constructed in 1936 and contains more than 2,000 plants representing 75 varieties.

These are just a couple of the amazing selection there was to see.

The vibrant colors were just beautiful! 

 There were several gorgeous varieties of tropical flowers inside the conservatory which was built in 1935.

 The paths that led from garden to garden were beautiful as well!

Flowers, flowers every where!


 I'm not sure if I loved the gigantic blooms or the beautiful color more!

 This fountain overlooks the Fowl River in the distance.

Steps leading from the historic home down to the river.

This color was so eye-catching I couldn't pass it by!

I'm not sure what the flower is but I loved the design!

If you are ever in Mobile and love beautiful gardens please check out Bellingrath Gardens! Contact info: 800.247.8420,,